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Coach Education Program

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Coach Education Program

Our goal is to develop high-quality, spiritually-aware coaches who are confident in their ability to make a positive impact on the world.

We Value Trust, Commitment, Clarity, Kindness, and Joyful Excellence and are dedicated to the good of the whole.

We are committed to continually improving our training, adapting to the changing needs of our clients and world.

Radiance Coach Education Leads to Quality Coaching

Radiance Coach Education is an ICF Accredited Education Program.  This means we have to pass a rigorous oversight process by ICF every 6 months in order to offer our program.  All our education uses the ICF Core Competencies as a base, ensuring our students have a firm understanding of the Competencies when they graduate.  


The ICF Core Competencies best practices are one pillar of our foundation.  Another pillar is our spiritual approach, working with our clients to uncover their life purpose, identify their top values and strengths, and create new habits of success that get them to the next level in their lives.  The third pillar of our foundation is Neuroscience, deepening our understanding of why coaching works.

Here are details on the structure of the different education programs offered by Radiant Coach Educators.

                        The Programs Currently Available

+130 Hour Pathway to PCC Coach Certification

Full Certification for Coaches Who Want ICF PCC-level Skills

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The Radiance 

Path Coach Education

Education for PCCs and MCCs Joining the Radiance Groups

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70-Hour Pathway to ACC Coach Education

Education to Qualify

for the ICF ACC Credential

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Radiance Coach Education

It blends the ICF Core Competencies

with Neuroscience

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140 hour PCC Coc Certification

+130 Hour PCC Coach Certification

This class is taught at the ICF PCC level, preparing the student to become an exceptional coach.


Length: 130+ hours total. Potential for certification within one year, depending on student completion of 3 clients and final exam.



  • Group: 2 hours weekly for group modules. Time/day determined by Radiance. New cohorts begin several times per year.

  • Individual: At your convenience and you set the pace.



  • Conducted 1:1 or in small groups of 2-6 students.

  • Online via Zoom, possible in person available.

  • 115+ hours of direct interaction with the Coach Instructor.

  • 15+ hours on your own, under supervision.

  • Currently, we have classes in English, Spanish, and Greek.


Additional opportunities include monthly web-learning classes, monthly peer coaching practices, and a number of asynchronous learning classes.  All of these give you credit for your certification.


Requirements to be a Radiance Student:

  • A deep caring for people.

  • Awareness of being on a spiritual journey.

  • Commitment to personal growth and discovery.

  • The ability to be present.

  • The ability to understand the autonomy of both coach and client.

  • Work experience for a minimum of three years.

  • Agreement to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance, and create the time and energy to fully participate in the program.

  • Agreement to be responsible for finding their own clients.


Education Goals for our Students:

  • Understand and confidently apply the ICF coaching competencies, the Spiritual Dimensions of Coaching, and the Radiance Tools for Transformation.

  • Learn how to listen as a coach, and interact in partnership with the client.

  • Demonstrate the ability to partner with clients so they develop their own unique path to success.

  • Confidently co-create coaching programs with their clients.

  • Articulate the  'Why' of their coaching practice, and what impact they want to make in the world.

  • Form lasting relationships with other Radiance Coaches, becoming part of a caring and supportive community.

  • Continue to grow and develop as an exceptional coach and catalyst for positive change in the world.



The ICF's Level 2 (formerly ACTP) programs are considered “all-inclusive”, as they offer start-to-finish coach training: a minimum of 125 student contact hours, Mentor Coaching, and a performance evaluation process.  Graduates of a Level 2 program may apply for an individual ICF Credential via the Level 2 credential application path, which greatly streamlines the application process.


Radiance is a Level 2 Accredited Coach Certification  Program and is structured to meet the ICF Level 2 Program requirements.  


Part of what makes us unique is that it starts with you experiencing the program as a client and ending it with being the coach for 3 paying clients while being mentored. A key advantage of graduating from this program is that Radiance provides opportunities for paid coaching to our Level 2 graduates.

PCC Training Modules 130 hours Mar23_edi

MODULE 1 - Experience and Learn the Radiance Coaching Approach


Objective:  The student will:

  • Experience the Coaching Program as a client, with the addition of teaching moments that help solidify their classroom learning.

  • Gain a clear idea of what their clients will experience.



MODULE 2 - Introduction to the ICF Core Competencies


Objective:  The student will understand what professional coaching is and the foundations of excellent coaching.

  • What is a Coach? 

  • ICF Core Competencies

  • Ethics and Standards

  • Spiritual Dimensions of Coaching

  • The Neuroscience behind Coaching



MODULE 3 - The Practice of Coaching


Objective:  The student will understand what they will be offering the world.  The student will:

  • Start defining their practice.

  • Understand they're why.

  • Know how to care for and manage their clients.

  • Understand ICF credentialing, forms, and requirements.



MODULE 4 - Radiance Tools for Transformation


An in-depth and experiential introduction to the tools and techniques in the Radiant Coach's toolbox, including:

  • Discovery

  • Radiant Purpose

  • Radiant Vision

  • Purposeful Steps and Check-In

  • Words of Wisdom

  • Body-Conscious exercises

  • And many more!



MODULE 5 - Applying Advanced Core Competencies


Objective:  The student solidifies their understanding of the competencies and puts their learning into practice:

  • Deep dive back into the Competencies – an advanced look.

  • More skills practices.

  • 5 coaching observations with written and verbal feedback.

  • Continue coaching clients under mentoring.

  • Final Exam (30-minute coaching observation).



MODULE 6 - Coach-Specific Courses


Objective:  The student selects their desired area of emphasis from a list of specialized training including:

  • The Coach as Entrepreneur

  • Group Coaching

  • Organizational and Leadership Coaching

  • Mindfulness Coaching

  • Team Coaching

  • Career Coaching

  • Relationship Coaching





Objective:  The student enhances their learning by coaching 3 clients through the program under supervision by a trainer.  Includes:

  • Coaching 3 clients through the Radiance Coaching Program while being mentored.

  • Ethics Exam and debrief.

  • Final Exam and debrief.





Objective:  The student enhances their learning by coaching 3 clients through the program while broadening the scope of learning.

  • Life Thesis

  • Online education classes

  • Monthly learning webinars

  • Reading and research

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70 hours ACSTH

60 Hour Accredited ACC Coach Education Program

Length:  60 hours total, including 50 hours of Coach Education and 10 hours of mentoring.



Schedule:  Depends on the Coach Educator and group or individual:

  • Individual:  At your convenience and you set the pace.

  • Group:  The cohort determines the days and times of classes. 




  • Conducted 1:1 or in small groups of 2-6 students.

  • In-person and/or distance learning is available.

  • 50 hours of direct interaction with the Coach Educator.

  • 10 hours of Mentoring.

  • Language depends on the Coach Educator.  Currently, we have classes in English and Spanish.


Additional opportunities include monthly web-learning classes, monthly peer coaching practices, and cohort practices.  All of these give you credit for your certification.



Requirements to be a Radiance Student:

  • A deep caring for people.

  • Curiosity 

  • Awareness of being on a spiritual journey.

  • Commitment to personal growth and discovery.

  • The ability to be present.

  • The ability to understand the autonomy of both coach and client.

  • The ability to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance, and create the time and energy to fully participate in the program.

  • The ability to be responsible for finding their own clients.




Training Goals for our Radiance Coach Education Students:

  • Learn the ICF coaching competencies.

  • Learn how to facilitate conversations for change, vision, awareness, context, and responsibility.

  • Demonstrate the ability to enable clients to learn how to produce the results they want.

  • Be ready to apply for the ICF ACC Credential.





MODULE 1 - Experience and Learn the Radiance Coaching Approach


Objective:  The student will:

  • Experience the Coaching Program as a client, with the addition of teaching moments that help solidify their classroom learning.

  • Gain a clear idea of what their clients will experience.



MODULE 2 - Introduction to the ICF Core Competencies


Objective:  The student will understand what professional coaching is and the foundations of excellent coaching

  • What is a Coach? 

  • ICF Core Competencies

  • Ethics and Standards

  • Spiritual Dimensions of Coaching

  • The Neuroscience behind Coaching



MODULE 3 - Practice of Coaching


The student learns the 'why' of their coaching, to enable them to start their coaching business 

  • An introductory course for defining the mission, vision, and values of the coaching business

  • Define your target market




ICF Requires 10 hours of mentoring to apply for the ACC Credential.  Radiance offers Mentoring as the student coaches 2 clients through a 3 monthly coaching program.  The mentoring is comprised of 10 meetings with the student to help them increase their understanding of the ICF Core Competencies.

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Radiant Path Coach Education

The Radiant Path Coach Education


  1. For the PCC Certification path, 60 hours

  2. For PCCs and MCCs who wish to join the Radiance Community, 20 - 60 hours, depending on the student's needs. The Coach Instructor and student co-design the program to meet the needs of the student. The average length of time is 3-6 months.


Schedule:  Depends on the Trainer and group or individual training:

  • Individual:  At your convenience and you set the pace.

  • Group:  The cohort determines the days and times of classes. 




  • Conducted 1:1 or in small groups

  • In-person and/or distance learning

  • 20-50 hours of direct interaction with the Trainer

  • 6-10 hours of Mentoring

  • Language depends on the Trainer.  Currently, we have classes in English and Spanish

  • Cost:  Depends on the length of the program.  Cost is worked out between the student & trainer. 



Graduation Requirements:

  • Demonstrate Coaching in the Radiance Coaching Program

  • Pass the final assessment using ICF markers at least at the PCC level

  • Experience Radiance Coaching Program

  • Coach 3 clients through the Radiance Program with mentoring from a Radiance Mentor Coach

  • Complete a Life Thesis



Designed for coaches who are already certified and/or have a PCC or MCC Credential and are intrigued by the unique Radiant Coaching process and high-quality training, this Advanced Coach Training offers 30-65 CCEs. 


All graduates of this program qualify to join the Radiance Community as full Radiance Coaches, for continual learning, networking, support, and connection.



Requirements to Take the Radiant Path

  • Certification from an ICF Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) OR

  • ACC Credential OR

  • PCC Credential OR

  • MCC Credential

  • Must have 1 recording assessed by a Radiance Coach Trainer

MODULE 1  - Experience and Learn the Unique Radiant Coaching Program


  • Learn your Radiant Purpose and how to use it to achieve desired results

  • How to coach from a spiritual foundation

  • Learn the Radiance Tools for Transformation



MODULE 2  - ​Tools for Transformation


  • Introduction to the Radiance Framework, including Life Purpose, Discovery process, Purposeful Steps, Purposeful Check-in, and Radiant Vision.

  • Practice



MODULE 3 - The Spiritual Dimensions of Coaching


  • Introduction to the 13 Spiritual Dimensions to deepen your understanding of coaching, and broaden your scope 



MODULE 4 - Applying advanced core competencies


  • Deep dive into the Competencies – an advanced look

  • Practice



MODULE 5 - Coach Specific Courses


  • Select from among the Radiance Coach-Specific courses 





  • Mentoring as the student coaches 3+ clients under close supervision 

  • Complete the Life Thesis



Note:  Your trainer serves as your Mentor Coach providing feedback on your coaching competency and mastery. You do not need to pay extra to hire a Mentor Coach.

Radiance Coach Education

What Makes Radiance Coach Education Program Unique

Joyful excellence is one of our values, and our program inspires confidence, proficiency and excellence in our students, as they are educated at a high-PCC level of coaching.​


The program supports the student in becoming a professional coach with 10+ hours of mentoring for the student’s first 3 clients as part of their certification.  These coaching hours can be applied towards their ICF Credential application.


A part of the program is for the student to experience the Radiance Coaching Program as a client, with the coach educator acting as both coach and teacher to help the student relate to what their future clients will be experiencing.


Students receive strong support in setting up their business, including developing their business mission and vision, target market, and business and marketing plans.


Our students start their coaching business while in the program, with the support and mentoring of their coach-educator.  This empowers them to confidently continue their coaching practice after graduation.


Our small-group format works for students who have a need for flexibility as they go through the program, therefore meetings are scheduled to meet their time demands, lifestyle and life balance.


A Life Thesis offers students the space and learning to work through obstacles to their well-being. 


Graduates have the option to continue their growth as a coach through joining the monthly Illuminations webinars, annual Radiance Retreats, and Radiance Community events.

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